The Start Up - 22 June 2018

Well - the start up began earlier than I thought - we tried to fire it up on Friday the 22nd of June not long after my brother-in-law and family arrived.  We turned on the fuel lines,  checked  all the wiring and figured out what buttons or switches to turn on.  When I hooked up the battery earlier in the week - there was a wire I did not hook up - thinking it was for the lights only - but somehow this needed to be hooked up - so it was taking the floor boards out again and hooking up this wire that led to another delay in starting (trying to start) the truck.  Here is my brother-in-law giving it a few cranks - Keep Cranking Eugene......

Here is the link to the video - 3 minutes - of us trying to get it up and running - at this point we figured out the wire needed to be connected and that the battery needed to be charged - which takes us to the next day video of us trying to start the truck.


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