23 June

So we put the battery on the trickle charger over night and it had much more power today - but still did not start up.  The carburetor was leaking pretty bad - but the good news is that the fuel vacuum pump seemed to be working as gas was leaking out the carburetor -  my brother-in-law will take it home (along with the tubing from the vacuum fuel pump to the carburetor) and the new fuel filter to see if he can braze the bowl and put the fuel filter in the line some how.

Here is the video link - about 1.5 minutes - of the truck trying to start today.  Much more power, but not running.  I am happy that at least it is making noise like it wants to start.


Here are some pictures of the carburetor and the information about that.

Information/Markings on the Carburetor:

PATD 12-6-16


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