24 June

The last day that family will be in town - since we won't be working on the engine - we did some electrical work today with the truck.  We got the headlights, parking lights, brake light, spot light, and horn working today (most of the connections seem to be just loose or rusty and needed to be cleaned to get them to work properly.)   We took a look at the windshield wiper motor and determined it was not the right one and it was just on there for show - looks good - but I took it off and will try to find the right one and then get that running.  In the mean time I got a lot of information from my brother-in-law on some of the workings of the truck.

The switch is in the off position.

1 click to the left and we have the parking lights working on the Cowl.

1 click to the R - Ignition position.

2 clicks to the R - Bright for the headlights

3 clicks to the R - Dim for the headlights

This toggle switch controls the spot light on the drivers side.


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