Well my brother-in-law comes into town this weekend - and I want everything to be in place so that we can try to start it on Saturday the 23rd of June 2018. My plan is to push it out of the garage and have my wife sit in the driver's seat and try to start it - of course I will be videotaping the whole thing. I only have 4 quarts of oil to add, the new spark plug wires, fuel line from gas tank to vacuum pump and hook up the battery and new starter switch before then. Hope I remember how the floor pieces went. Early June I put some Berryman B-12 Chemtool® Carburetor, Fuel System and Injector Cleaner - (Quickly disperses moisture and dissolves gum, varnish, and other fuel residues from the entire fuel system, fuel tank, fuel lines, fuel injectors, valves, rings and pistons. Cleans entire fuel system, injectors, carburetors, intake valves) - (bought from Advance Auto - cheapest price I could find) into the gas tank to try and clean it out. 19 June 20...