Memorial Day Camping Trip / Parade / Why won't she start consistently?

 Well it is the busy time of the year for us - Miss Maple really doesn't care for Camping and my Boo doesn't really care for riding in the 1927.

I honestly Don't know how people keep up with working full time, at a real job, blogging and updating FaceBook - I can't juggle all those yet.

So in just the timeframe of 28 May - 10 June I have so much to update, not sure what to blog or post on FaceBook, but here goes.

28 May

 - Drove the 1927 to get inspected - 7 miles one way - started right up and drove well - shut it off when I got to the shop, but when the mechanic said to pull it around the shop and into the bay - Just didn't start - had to charge it.  Overall - after the gas leak was fixed - it PASSED inspection. Drove well on the way home.

28 - 31 May

 4th Annual Durkeetown Baptist Church Camping Trip

28 May - Rain and Cold

29 May - Rain and Cold

30 May - Rain and Cold

31 May - Sunny and Warm

Enough Said about that - I will let the pictures speak for the weekend.

31 May - Hartford, New York Memorial Day Parade

14 miles one way to Hartford - up some large hills

Truck still not really starting consistenly, so I trailered the truck to the parade.  

Decorated it on the trailer just in case it didn't start.  Started it up at 6 pm (that is when the parade was supposed to start), ran for 30 minutes waiting for the parade to start.  Parade route was mostly up a slight hill - really no ending point and the 2021 Ford F-150 in front of knew everyone on the route and needed to stop and chat every few feet - so much for the new clutch bearing.

Overall - the truck worked and ran well in the parade - it was the only vehicle in the parade that was under the year of 2019.  

It was a good time overall and very glad that we went. 

05 - 10 June

Truck still not staring consisently.  By now, I am still not a mechanic - but I know that it is getting gas, so it has to do with spark.   Battery has been on the charger for 2 fulll day, then I changed all the spark plugs, ignition coil, condensor, and checked the distributor - still not starting, but it is getting gas.  So then the 3rd and 4th thing about old vehicles comes back to my memory - everything needs to be tight and every metal connection needs to be "SHINY AND CLEAN".  Maybe one day, I will have it all together.

SHINY AND CLEAN wins tonight.

Took the connections off the ignition coil and sanded them SHINY & CLEAN.

Took the connections from the condensor and sanded them SHINY & CLEAN.

Took the connection from the distributor to the top of the ignition coil and sanded them SHINY & CLEAN.

Turn the ignition switch on, pull the choke out, set the retard down and stepped on the ignition button = Immediate Start.

Let it run for a few minutes, shut it down, and started it right back up - did that 5 times over the next hour.


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