Did it or Didn't It

So after I broke the post off the starter button I ordered a different one - one that had a bigger base and that took over a week to arrive.  But then it would not work where the old button was and I needed to drill new holes in the floor - so I ordered the original button - that took 5 days to arrive.

The starter button arrived TODAY (15 April 2020).

I have a rebuilt generator and regulator, rebuilt starter, new starter button, new battery cables, fresh gas and a fully charged battery.  I called Eugene to ask one final wire hook up question and everything is connected.

If you made it this far - click on the picture to start the video.

I told Boo I was ready to hit the button 
Her words - BE SAFE - (okay that was not what I was looking for).

Anyway here goes.

If you made it this far - click on the picture to start the video.

If you made it this far - click on the picture to start the video.


  1. Great job brother, don't forget to change the winter air out and put in summer air in your tires lol love you guys


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