July 4th Camping Trip

Not much work on the truck these last few weeks as the temperature has been in the high 90's and with no A/C in the garage - it was not worth it.  My brother-in-law, Eugene, took the carburetor home to try and fix it - it is coming back this Thursday - 12 July - so maybe by the end of this week it will fire up.  Here's hoping.  Stand by Eugene - the horn is coming your way - as it is only working some of the time and I don't want to take it apart - seems I always have some extra parts when I am done.

Miss Maple did much better on this camping trip - no emergency room visits.  This trip was a bunch of 1st's for her - she took her 1st swim, 1st boat ride and saw up close her 1st fish - I don't think she liked any of them.  Due to the heat during the days (95-100), she was mostly a lap dog, or just trying to dig in the ground to lay down.  

Here is a shout out to Miss Mollie Marie who turned 1 on the 6th of July


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