Almost - but not yet - but soon

So as of this morning 0515 hours - nothing - not happy about that - but I have come to my own non-mechanical expertise opinion that I have and that is that it has something to do with the distributor - as all the other parts in the vehicle are brand new - tested and working - just not getting any spark from the distributor to the plugs.  

Thanks to my neighbor Jeffrey who came over on Sunday and Tuesday of this week to help me work on the truck  to try to get it going.  Working with Jeff is always a treat - I learn something new each time with the mechanics of the truck.  Before he came over on Sunday I put the new Points in - thinking this would be the magic part that needed to be changed to get it to start - well I did know that the points needed to be a gap of  0.022 - 0.025 - just didn't know where this magical gap needed to be - turns out I had a gap of close to 1/8 inch and Jeff showed me and fixed it to the correct gap - but it still did not work.

Today - must be my "Lucky" day as I found an excellent reference on what the actual Distributor and the insides should look like and then on Ebay I found one for only $30.00 and free shipping.  Unheard of - that part at the old car parts store goes for $214.00 plus $100.00 core deposit and then you still have to pay for shipping.
So, please stay tuned because the "new" part should be here before the 1st of August and .......


⇦⇦⇦⇦  Something in there is not working


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