Reflectors and Painting

Well, the doors are still in Alden, (30 miles East of Buffalo), and with no doors I decided to paint the wood under the truck bed and to clean up the reflectors that were attached to the bed in various places. 

I was thinking of getting some new reflectors for the Truck but at anywhere from $80.00 - $150.00 a piece - and I have 5,

Linda said - yeah you guessed it - NO.

Before painting and cleaning pictures:

After painting and cleaning:

Gave it a little shine.


  1. Nice work, with the pause continuing you should have that baby all ready to go in no time, what is your next project going to be? Did you check on line under old car parts for sale, maybe someone there is selling the reflectors and it is not as much just a thought!

    1. The ones I have are good, just was looking at updating them.


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