Generator and We have another Follower - 17 Followers

I have been busy with a lot of my winter projects working on the truck - pretty exciting.

But even better news!!!

While we were in Alden for New Years Eve - we picked up another follower - my best friend growing up in Alden - Thanks Mark. 

I am looking to have a total of 25 followers by the end of this year. 

I know that blog following is not as easy as Face Booking but I am not really into taking pictures of my food and posting it or to take some survey about my favorite color or whatever.

Okay back to the truck.  Jeffrey stopped by last night and he helped me take the generator out of the truck so that I can get it tested and cleaned up. 

 I was hoping there was a name tag on the generator so I knew exactly what one it was  - but I guess I will figure that out one day.  From research it is a Delco Remy 943B or 934J.

 Hoping that after testing and some work on the generator that the truck will start a little more consistently and easily with the push of the button.


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