End of Camping Season 2019

Sad to say that this is the end of Camping Season for 2019

(We already made reservations for our 2020 Church Camping Trip in May and of course for Elvis week)

We went to Watkins Glen State Campground from 24 August to the 29th of August.

We have to say Thanks to Jeff and Di for making the arrangements on this trip.
We have never been to Watkins Glen or the Finger Lake region - if you ever get a chance - it is well worth the trip.

The gorge walk is the best - Here is some good advice.

If you leave a car at one end f the trail and one at the other end
make sure you take your keys with you - DON'T leave them in the car.

We are making plans to go back in 2021 and to another campground called Sampson State Park - check it out if you can - they have cabins on the lake also.


It was perfect weather and Miss Maple enjoyed herself

While you may have assumed that our largest waterfall was Niagara Falls, the tallest free-falling waterfall east of the Mississippi River is actually hiding right here by Cayuga Lake!

We drove around Seneca Lake and there are over 60 different wineries, (I only took pictures of 2) -  it was nothing but vineyard after vineyard.  It was pretty amazing.

We saw a pretty neat old car - looks like it has been there awhile - if it is still there in 2020 I am going back to talk to the owner.   

We also ran into an interesting fella. 

Thanks for making the 2 hour trip over, it was good to see you.

We came home on 29th and reloaded and repacked - then on the 30th we went North to Frontier Town for Labor Day Weekend - a new campground the state built in North Hudson.  Miss Maple didn't make this trip, but we did take 3 of the 4 grandchildren.  


  1. Well I am glad that you all had a great time and that Bryan was able to come over and visit that was a nice surprise. That brother keeps surprising us more and more!!!!! Great pictures, seems as though Miss Maple had a great time. Love you all!

  2. Don't know why I came up as unknown but this is your sister Kathy!!!!!!


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