What Year Again?

Upon fine tuning the truck - it seemed to do better if we tuned it to 1928 specs instead of 1927 - which of course lead us to the research of What is the real year of the truck.....or at least the engine.....

Casting Numbers

From the 1920's through the 1960's GM used a casting date system to identify the date when a part was made. A casting number is a raised number which is cast into the block, cylinder head, transmission case, differential housing and many other cast iron parts. Casting dates are a series of raised letter-number combinations.

The casting date for the '28 is located under the Chevy bow tie and to the left of the distributor. I believe the '27's date is right behind the distributor.

The date has three components:

1. The first is a letter (A-L). This indicates the month of the casting (A=Jan, B=Feb, C=Mar, etc.)

2. The next item of info is a number (1-31). This is the day of the month that the engine block was cast.

3. The third item of info is another number that indicates the year (7=1927, 8=1928).

So according to this information it looks like I have a 1928 engine or maybe it is still a late 1927.

Either way it is pretty cool to work on.


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