Memorial Day Camping Trip / Parade / Why won't she start consistently?

Well it is the busy time of the year for us - Miss Maple really doesn't care for Camping and my Boo doesn't really care for riding in the 1927. I honestly Don't know how people keep up with working full time, at a real job, blogging and updating FaceBook - I can't juggle all those yet. So in just the timeframe of 28 May - 10 June I have so much to update, not sure what to blog or post on FaceBook, but here goes. 28 May - Drove the 1927 to get inspected - 7 miles one way - started right up and drove well - shut it off when I got to the shop, but when the mechanic said to pull it around the shop and into the bay - Just didn't start - had to charge it. Overall - after the gas leak was fixed - it PASSED inspection. Drove well on the way home. 28 - 31 May 4th Annual Durkeetown Baptist Church Camping Trip 28 May - Rain and Cold 29 May - Rain and Cold 30 May - Rain and Cold 31 May - Sunny and Warm Enough Said about that - I will let the pictures speak for the weekend. ...