28 March 2020 & 1 more Follower
Thanks Elaine for following! So pretty much for the Month of April we will have a very short commute to and from work. With us working from home for all of April I figured I would work on making some room in the garage. But the tricky part was I wasn't sure the truck would cooperate and start - it was a gamble - one that Boo said should wait. You see, I can push it out of the garage by myself, but need some help to push it up the ramp if it didn't start to drive it in the garage. Saturday the 28th was a pretty nice day out - but it was supposed to rain in the afternoon. In order for me to have more room, I needed to put the ramp up and push the truck out I hooked up the battery after letting it charge all night, but when I turned the fuel line on, the carburetor started leaking. So I really didn't want to try and start it in the garage. Looks like I got some work to do All done Here comes the rain Here comes...